Welcome to Week Four of our Weaving Inspiration Newsletter. This week, we are looking at making curves in tapestry weaving, which involves a lot of free weaving. Now you've had a look at shape and form, we're going to have a look at breaking those rules and seeing how we can add movement to you tapestry. This is a particularly good technique if you're wanting to weave landscapes with rolling hills or stormy seas.
We've also been busy at the loom, weaving lots of new samples for you to look at when we're able to return to the Loom Room. Take a look below to see what we've been working on.
As usual, we've also included a new weekly recipe and some weaving inspiration to round off.
Weaving Inspiration | Curves
Last week we looked at building shapes very systematically using rows. This week, we'll be looking at free weaving techniques to give you more movement in your tapestry. You'll be able to combine both techniques in your weaving, giving you a structurally sound tapestry!
Weaving Curves
This is a great introduction to weaving curves, as the video below teaches you to weave a curve row by row. Once you've mastered this technique, you can go on to free weave over the top of the shape you have created! Click the link here.
Wavy Lines
This is a great start to free weaving. Following on from weaving a curve or shape, this technique shows you how to weave over the top of rigid forms to create a curve, or an outline. Clikc the link here.
Free Weaving
Free weaving is a great technique to learn once you know how to weave shapes. It's a case of taking what you've learnt, breaking the rules but being mindful of the edges of your tapestry! This step by step guide shows you how to build up your curve, and then weave different sections over the top. Click the link here.
The Chocolate Brownies
We take it back. This is our favourite recipe of all time, and one we have been adapting and making for an age. This is the perfect recipe to perk you up, giving you a lovely chocolate hit. Be warned though, they're very rich, so a bite sized potion with a dash of cream is enough to sooth any chocolate craving. The nuts aren't necessary, but they do add a lovely crunch with the smooth chocolate. Any nuts you have in your cupboard will make a great substitute to pecans. Why not try adding a bit of peanut butter too while you're at it?
175g butter
200g dark chocolate
175g of sugar
3 free range eggs
100g plain flour
25g cocoa powder
A handful of nuts (pecan, walnuts, peanuts or hazelnuts)
Makes 12 brownies
Preheat the oven to 190°C or gas mark five.
In a microwave proof dish, break up the chocolate and butter, and put in the microwave on a medium heat until the butter has melted. Leave the dish to sit until the chocolate has melted and stir until it is glorious and glossy.
Beat the eggs and the sugar in a separate bowl, until light and bubbly. Set aside.
Combine the flour and the cocoa in a separate bowl.
Add half of the egg mixture to the chocolate mixture, and then add a couple of table spoons of the flour mixture. Repeat until you've got a gloriously dark, bubbly mixture, and pour into a 20 x 20cm dish. Scatter the nuts over the top, or try a few dollops of peanut butter!
Bake for around 18 minutes. Keep a close eye on your brownies, as you don't want to over bake them. They want to be springy around the edge, but have a slight wobble in the middle.
Take them out of the oven and cut into 12 bitesize pieces. Leave to cool (if you can!) Serve with double cream and a handful of raspberries.
Weaving Inspiration
Our weaving inspiration this week comes from weavers Jo and Leila Thompson at Hoxa Tapestry Gallery. We thought this would be a great example of seeing curves, colour and shape all together in one place. Pictured below is 'Forever Free' a woven tapestry made from linen, cotton and rayon. To see more of their beautiful work, click the link here.
At The Loom
Introducing a new section to our blog, At The Loom will be a weekly discussion of all the things we've been weaving. This week, we've been working away on different plain weave variations (simply going over and under your warp threads). We're focusing on cramming and denting, using different densities of thread in your cloth. If you'd like to see more, head over to our blog, or catch up with our Pinterest. These are techniques that you can try if you have a rigid heddle loom, or a two shaft table loom too. Just message us with your questions!

Thank you so much for reading. To stay in touch, you can follow along on Instagram and Facebook, or read our blog throughout the week.
Stay creative, stay safe and stay in touch,
The Loom Room x