Hello everyone,
Welcome to Week Three of our Weaving Inspiration Newsletter. This week, we are looking at shape in tapestry weaving. Now you've had a look at colour and texture, why not apply what you've learnt to shape and form? We've also included our weekly recipe and some weaving inspiration to finish off with. As always, all of the links from our newsletters are saved here on our blog and our Pinterest so you can catch up at any time.
We'd love to see what you've been working on, so send in your pictures and we'd love to feature them on our blog.
Weaving Inspiration | Form
This week, we are concentrating on form, so if you wanted to catch up with different techniques to weave shapes, this is the perfect excuse. We've included the basics: triangles, squares and circles for you to get started with. You can then apply the knowledge to other shapes you'd like to weave which are more complicated.
Weaving Rectangles, Triangles and Circles
Weaving squares or rectangles is a great place to start when weaving shapes. Learning to get a straight edge, and not pulling in your warp is a great starting point and will set you up for weaving other, more complicated shapes. This is a great video, as it shows you how to navigate weft direction, as well as how to weave all three shapes in one sampler. Once you've mastered all these shapes, you can apply this knowledge to any form you'd like to weave. See the video here.
New York Apple Cake
Is this the greatest cake of all time? We think so! The New York Apple is the Queen of the tray bakes, keeps for days and makes enough to feed the five thousand. This is also a great recipe for using up any soft apples in your fruit bowl. If you haven't got any apples, you can always replace with pears. See the recipe here.
Weaving Inspiration
Our weaving inspiration of the week comes in the form of Anni Albers, 'Wallhanging 1926'. Anna Albers was part of the Bauhaus group, and her work often focused on geometric shapes and patterns. To take a look at more of Anni Albers work, head to our Pinterest page here.
Thank you so much for reading. To stay in touch, you can follow along on Instagram and Facebook, or read our blog throughout the week.
Stay creative, stay safe and stay in touch,
The Loom Room x